We’re all about the subscription box craze. It’s such a great way to try new things, and many of these boxes allow us to travel the world through our taste buds. They make perfect gifts. Plus, getting mail makes you feel like it’s Christmas every day!
These are ones that we’ve tried so far, and we’ll continue to add new ones we try each month. Those crossed out are discontinued.
Your Ultimate Subscription Box List
Best Food Subscription Boxes
- Bon Appetit – french foods
- Fitsnack – Healthy snacks (Use THIS LINK to get a free gym bag with purchase.)
- Jerky Snob – Jerky
- Japan Crate – Japanese snacks
- Treats (use code LocalAdventurer for 15% off your first box)
- Try the World (Use coupon code LOCALADVENTURER for 30% off your first subscription.)
- Universal Yums – snacks with a different country theme every month
- Watanut – Nuts
Aloha Crate – Hawaiian snacksChococurb – reviewCuisine Cube // New York vlog reviewOmNomBox
- Globe-In Box – Artisan made products from all over the world (Coupon: Use code WELCOME for 25% off your first box.)
Camp Box – reviewEscape MonthlyHole in the Wall Box
Socially Conscious
- GlobeIn Box – Artisan made products from all over the world (Coupon: Use code WELCOME for 25% off your first box.)
- CauseBox
Fashion / Style
- Golden Tote (sign up for their newsletter here to find out when they get their new collection )
- Craft Beer Club (Use code iSave5 and get $5 on first month’s payment of Ongoing membership + Get Free Bonus Gifts!)
- Gold Medal Wine Club
- Kit Nip Box – toys & treats for your cat (use code LOCALADVENTURER for 15% off first box)
Nerd Culture