There are so many subscription boxes out there that it has become a little overwhelming, but with our love for food and travel we were immediately drawn to Try The World! Every two months, you receive a gourmet box from a different country full of goodies and authentic foods chosen by local experts. In the past they’ve done, Paris, Tokyo, Rio, Rome, Instanbul, and for our very first box, we got The Venice Box!
Each box comes with 7-10 full sized items and a culture guide with recipes, recommended movies and music from the area, and culture tips. It also gives you a guide for a great themed date night, which is perfect for our dates challenge this year. Check out what we got below and we also did an unboxing video. We’ll be doing more of these so be sure to subscribe!
Since this is our first one, Try The World was gracious enough to do a giveaway with us for one of our lucky readers. See below for details on how to enter.
Use coupon code LOCALADVENTURER for 15% off of the All Regular Subscriptions + Gift Boxes + Shop items!!
Here are the other boxes we’ve checked out!
Buenos Aires
Don’t forget to join us every two months unboxing our next Try The World and let us know what your favorites are!