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Best Things to Do in London England

Planning a trip to London? Since this is a much older post, check out our perfect weekend in London itinerary.

What to Do in London England in 36 Hours

1. The London Eye (more photos from an earlier post here):

the london eye | things to do london | what to do in london, the eye londonPin

2. Big Ben & the Elizabeth Tower.

I didn’t know until more recently, but Big Ben is just the bell from the clock tower, and the name of the clock tower is actually called Elizabeth Tower.

Big Ben Elizabeth Tower London England | What to Do in LondonPin

3. The London Bridge

What to do in London | London Bridge at night london photographPin

4. London Underground.

We used the tube to get around everywhere in London. It was so easy to use. I wish we had something like this where we live!

5. Eat Fish and Chips at Gigs Fish & Chips

Some food options we ate here.

Gigs Fish and Chips | London Restaurants | Eat in LondonPin

We only had 36 Hours to explore London.  With a limited amount of time, we had to prioritize photography, food, and friends, so we only ended up going to a handful of tourist attractions. We’re not the type of travelers that like to pack our entire day full of touristy places, so for the most part we met up with friends and hung out.  If we had more time to explore the great city of London, here are a few more things I would have loved to check of my list:

Do we want to ride the double decker red buses? Perhaps.  Ever since Spice World, I was always curious what the experience would be like… We hope to visit London again soon! In the meantime, we’d love to hear more travel suggestions!

MORE: 15 Remarkable Things to Do in Porto Portugal

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. sophia

    i was about to say, (before seeing the previous comment) calvin loves london’s fish and chips! and when my sister studied there she watched a play at Shakespear’s Globe theatre (i think).

    i’ve only been to london for less than a day; we had taken a ferry from paris. next time i’ll definitely have to explore further.

    1. estherjulee

      apparently there is tons of good indian food there! i need to try more. think you’d do tea and crumpets? my friend who lives close to london told me they’re only for grandmothers. haha

    1. estherjulee

      You really can’t! :) Thanks for stopping by our blog.

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