I made my first 101 in 1001 list on DayZeroProject on March 31, 2012, and I’m sad to say I haven’t looked at it ever since. It says I have 385 days left, but, interestingly, many of the goals I set are no longer relevant. I can’t believe how much I changed in less than a couple of years. Oh, what a fickle person I am. OR maybe my priorities are changing for the better?
Recently, I saw that my former blogger pal had started a 101 in 1001 list of her own, and after seeing it, I couldn’t resist revisiting this list. You may already know I’m addicted to making lists. Also, I’m helping her check off one on her list! Win-win! I just needed to prioritize 101 from my always-growing bucket list.
I also know that I think and live in extremes. If I get too focused on achieving goals, they will stress me out, and if that’s the case, it defeats the purpose of having them in the first place. I’m mainly using all these to navigate life. To grow. To discover. To Create. To explore. To keep perspective, I always need to remind myself of this quote by Sid Caesar:

I’m all about setting S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals, and when creating this list, I struggled most with the question of what is attainable. When do you reach for the stars? What are my limits? What is impossible? Also, I know some are left on the list that is a piece of cake. Knowing myself, I had to give myself a few to boost my self-esteem and get me rolling. (Tip for those that give up on goals and are hard on themselves: This does help!) Also, 168 hours You Have More Time Than You Think and the Power of Less were both very helpful books in terms of learning time management and what my priorities are.
I must admit, though, I still find 101 things to do in less than three years daunting. I broke it down and saw that there are 33 months, and I need to complete about 3 per month. Well, for two of the months I need to complete 4 to get to 101. The good thing is, goals are easier to achieve when you have a buddy to do them with you. Good thing I have a husband! Jacob and I are doing them together for the most part, but he also has some separate ones that he is doing in blue.
OUR 101 IN 1001 DAYS
Start date: December 26, 2022
End date: September 22, 2025
- ⬢ Mauritius
- ⬡ Antarctica
- ⬡ Paris
- ⬡ Taiwan
- ⬡ Korea Revisit
- ⬡ Japan Revisit
- ⬡ Wildebeest Migration
- ⬡ Northern Lights in Canada
- ⬡ Belize Barrier Reef
- ⬡ New Zealand Revisit
- ⬡ Complete everything on Las Vegas Bucket List
- ⬡ Climb at Hueco Tanks, TX
- ⬡ Climb at Bishop
- ⬡ Upper Canyons at Antelope Canyon
- ⬡ Drive through New England in the Fall
- ⬡ Hike Down Grand Canyon
- ⬡ Take an improv class.
- ⬡ Brew own beer
- ⬡ Brew own kombucha
- ⬡ Skydive
- ⬡ Climb Harbour Bridge in Australia
- ⬡ Climb an outdoor V8
- ⬡ Workout 3x a week for 6 months // ⬡ Workout (weights) 3x/wk for a month
- ⬡ Learn 12 healthy recipes to put into rotation
- ⬡ Don’t eat out for an entire month.
- ⬡ Eat veggies every day for 60 days.
- ⬡ Korean Drops Level 9
- ⬡ French Drops Level 9
- ⬡ Get to 2000 on my Gratitude Journal
- ⬡ Read all the books on my shelf
- ⬡ Read 36 books in a year // ⬡ J: Read 12 books in a year
- ⬡ Read 52 books in 52 weeks // ⬡ J: Read 20 books in a year
- ⬡ Join a book club // ⬡ J: Take an online editing course
- ⬡ Read 30 books from this list
- ⬡ Learn to write with my left hand
- ⬡ Participate in NaNoWriMo
- ⬡ Create a YouTube video // ⬡ J: Create a video that tops our other views
- ⬡ 52 photo projects in 52 weeks // ⬡ J: shoot a web series
- ⬡ 365 photo-a-day challenge // ⬡ J: 365 on Instagram
- ⬡ Paint something I want to frame // ⬡ J: Take a photo of myself every day for a year
- ⬡ Learn watercolor // ⬡ J: Help produce a full-length feature
- ⬡ Make one Pinterest project per month for a year // ⬡ J: Help with 6
- ⬡ Open an Etsy shop // ⬡ Contribute an item to the Etsy shop
- ⬡ Draw every day for a month // ⬡ Record and release an EP
- ⬡ Photograph the perfect storm
- ⬡ Photograph polar bears in the wild
- ⬡ Make some light art
- ⬡ Write a song
- ⬡ 50 States Photography Challenge
- ⬡ Create own font
- ⬡ Create a documentary
- ⬡ Turn off all electronics for a week
- ⬡ Don’t complain about anything for a week // ⬡ J: Don’t complain about the cost for a whole month.
- ⬡ Make a list of 100 things I like about myself & J // ⬡ J: Call parents every week for a year
- ⬡ Learn how to talk to strangers (basic questions) // ⬡ J: Don’t be on the phone during meals for a month
- ⬡ Read the Bible every day no matter how little
- ⬡ Send a box of donuts/bagels to a construction site.
- ⬡ Pay for a grocery bill from someone checking out behind you
- ⬡ Pay for someone’s morning coffee behind you.
- ⬡ Leave 30 random notes of inspiration all over the city
- ⬡ Buy people flowers on V-day
- ⬡ Donate blood
- ⬡ Anonymously pay the dinner bill for a stranger
- ⬡ Leave 100% tip for good service
- ⬡ Put change in someone’s expired parking meter
- ⬡ Make it a habit to do one act of kindness per day (Start one a day for a month)
- ⬡ Send parents on a nice vacation
- ⬡ Project 333 for all seasons
- ⬡ Finish all exercises in 7 principles of marriage
- ⬡ Buy the 3-year journal and complete it (just bought it!)
- ⬡ Renew vows
- ⬡ Give $10 for every item not completed.
Completed from previous 101 of 1001 (2012-2015)
- Australia
- Galapagos Islands
- Greece
- Philippines
- South Korea with Jacob
- Vancouver
- Vietnam
- Go to the Four Corners Monument.
- Find out what’s really down ZZYZX Road on I-15
- Hike the Narrows at Zion National Park
- The Horseshoe Bend
- Bryce Canyon National Park
- The Wave in the Vermillion Cliffs
- Snowboard on the west coast
- Go back to Big Sur
- Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park
- Arches National Park
- Multnomah Falls
- Participate in the Color Run (Feb 28, 2015)
- Eat at the French Laundry (May 31, 2014)
- See Britney Spears in Vegas
- Attend a masquerade
- Dogsled in Alaska
- See a Broadway on Broadway
- Go on a multi-day backpacking trip
- Go skeet shooting
- Get a tattoo
- Try Rock Climbing
- Don’t drink Diet Coke for a month // Jacob: Avoid Sweets for a month
- Kickboxing classes // ⬡ Jacob: Swim laps three times a week for a month.
- Fit back into my skinny jeans // ⬡ Don’t wear larger than a 31 waist
- Couch to 5k running plan // ⬡ Jacob: Run a marathon
- Finish Insanity
- Make a meal and take it to a neighbor.
- Create a care package for someone in need
- Donate my hair
- Influence someone to do their own 101 in 1001
- Project 333
- Go on 52 different dates for one year
- Give $10 for every item not completed
Wanna join in on any of the goals we’re doing? The more, the merrier! Let me know if you decide to make a list of your own so that I can check one off my list! ;)
You’ll probably also have some of these same goals as I put together my new year’s resolutions.