I am so grateful for the quality time I spent with friends and for all the great conversations the past two weeks in San Francisco. When you’re constantly moving from city to city, it’s hard to grow roots. It may seem like a glamorous life being on the road, but there are always upsides and downsides to everything. Making new friends can be difficult when you know you’ll be gone the following year, and so is keeping in touch with old friends. That’s why I am so grateful for my time in SF.
I really miss having my friends nearby. My closest friends are all scattered in different cities. I may even make some good friends in Las Vegas (should I push myself out of my comfort zone), but who knows where we will be next year! ….leaving behind a trail of friends. :(
I will say that moving away is a reason I am reluctant to make new friends, but I also always worry I will spread myself out too thin. Quality over quantity, right? When I do finally make friends, I’d like to think that I am a loyal friend that works hard at making them know how much they are loved. (Friends, let me know if this is not true! :P) That takes time and energy, and I am limited on both.
Maybe it’s just a girl thing, or maybe it’s because words of affirmation is my love language (or maybe I’m just higher maintenance), but it’s rare for me to have friendships where I can just pick it up where we left off. It’s important for me to drop a line whether it’s through snail mail, email, or text just to let my friends know that I am there for them and vice versa. Make an effort in some shape or form. I also realized that one of my highest core values is authenticity. I usually only choose to move forward in the relationship if I know they are genuine. True and meaningful friendships are important to me.
Other gratitudes from my SF trip:
- Discovering mint mojito iced coffees at Philz. I’m obsessed and went back for one almost everyday.
- Trying a lot of new places and updating my list of good eats in SF.
- Trying out new skin products and tea thanks to Hsiao.
- Finishing 3 books from my Summer Reading Challenge!
- Watched a lot of tv while Hsiao was recovering. Caught up on Scandal, House of Cards, and tried Dexter and Madmen.
What about you? What are your core values and how do you define your friendships?
This is week 36! You can check out an older post on friendship or any of my other gratitude posts by clicking on the banner below: