Have you ever wanted a penpal but didn’t know how to get a penpal? Welcome to Lovely Letters, a monthly blogger exchange hosted by Jordan and I, where you can send and receive pen pal letters every month! :) We have over 150 participants in 12 countries, and we try our best to pair you with someone in a different country or at least from a different part of your own.
Because many of you told us one month wasn’t enough time to get to know your partner, we stretched the swap over 2 months during the summer. Did you like it better over two months? We’d love your feedback!
For July and August, I was paired with Jessa, who grew up in Iowa like myself! She graduated from Iowa State, which is where my mom continued her studies, and I remember spending many nights at my mom’s chemistry lab. Jessa and I connected when we were both trying to start up a workout regime, and I just love how supportive the blogger community is in that way. You can learn more about Jessa’s life on her blog.
Unfortunately the package burst along the way and USPS lost my mail. :( Has this ever happened to you? I’ve had them lose my mail before where it never shows up.. but this is a first.
I feel awful that she spent money on a package that never made it. :( It’s rare, but it happens.
Here’s what I sent out:
my { SUMMER VACATION } package:
one lovely letter from Nicely Noted
postcards and polaroids from our favorite summer destinations
notebook (is it possible to have too many notebooks?)
nag notes (I find it’s better to nag via written request than verbally haha)
sharing our japanese candy from japan crate (see unboxings here and here)
<div align="center"><a href="http://localadventurer.com/lovely-letters/" title="Lovely Letters Blog Community and Snail Mail Exchange"><img src="http://localadventurer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/LovelyLetters.png" alt="Lovely Letters Snail Mail Exchange" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Since everyone is getting their packages at different times, the link up will be open until Sept 25th.
Dates to remember for September Snail Mail Swap:
- Sign ups are open until September 6th midnight PST. You can sign up HERE (FOR BLOGGERS ONLY. If you don’t have a blog, you can always start one!)
- You will get your snail mail pen pal by the 9th and begin getting to know your partner.
- Send out your packages by Sept 20th. Try to stay under $7. {Theme: Back to School}
- Write about your experience and link up on Sept 26th (the last Saturday of the month).
If you loved your experience, don’t forget to thank your partner via instagram / twitter!
What would you like next month’s theme to be?