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5 Monthly Goals for January

I just recently posted our 14 in 2014 and our 101 in 1001, which I now need to start breaking down to monthly goals, and of course, weekly and daily. I’ve been listing 10 goals for the past couple months, but this month we are going to take it easy. I know we’ll be exhausted after our cross country trip back from Atlanta and have our hands full with our upcoming trip to the Philippines. We’ll just have to go strong next month. :)

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Last month’s highlights on the blog:

Books I read in December:

How we did on monthly goals for December:

Let’s start with the good. I read four books and met my 2013 reading goal on goodreads and finished Rosetta Stone Level 3 for Italian (Now, I need to find myself an italian friend). I skyped with my family once a week or visited since we were in Atlanta over the holidays. I also completed all the insanity workouts, blogged three times a week, cooked at least two new recipes (blogged one), and sent out all but one christmas card.

Now for the uncompleted goals: Because of all the travel, we slacked off on working out 3 times a week, and we didn’t even go once to the farmer’s market. It might be an unreasonable goal for now, but might make a comeback later this year. I also caved and bought myself one item while holiday shopping (which I won’t mention because I also bought the same thing for a friend and have yet to mail it). To my defense, I had been looking for it for almost two years, and finally stumbled upon it while holiday shopping. What are the chances! I know it goes against my 100 days of less challenge, too (there will be an update coming soon). Boooo. I’m failing as a minimalist, but it’s not going to stop me from trying again.

What’s something new you want to try this month / year? What are you currently reading?

Instead of blogging weekly goals, I decided to do them monthly because it’s been working better for me. Feel free to check out some of my previous weekly wishes and monthly goals clicking the banner below:

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