Just got back last night from a 13 day road trip up to Vancouver and back. We are now getting settled back home and getting some much needed rest. We also ran out of scheduled posts, so this one is going to be short and sweet until I get my act together and edit some more photos for tomorrow’s post. :)
These were some photos from our trip on instagram. Feel free to follow us to see more!
What I am Grateful for This Week (Week 46):
- All the friends and family who hosted us along our road trip.
- The OTC people we randomly ran into during our trip (home church in ATL).
- All the yummy food we ate in all the different cities we stopped at.
- Eating way too much ice cream while in Yakima and Portland.
- The late night pro grilled cheese sandwiches that Peter Chao made for us.
- Doing our 4 year anniversary photo session with Zabrina and Jeremy.
- I had scheduled out most of my blog posts so I would have less to worry about.
- Coming home to two packages – one from Sou-Wah for Lovely Letters and one from Soapie!
- Seeing our two boys and seeing how much they missed us while we were gone.
- Being home so I can rest and get re-energized for our next trip.
What is one thing you’re grateful for in this moment?
Linking up with Grateful Heart this week. This is my gratitude post for week 46. 6 more weeks to go! Click the banner below to see other gratitude posts:
After a bit of a rough year, I am grateful that I’ve rediscovered how much joy writing brings me. :) I also feel good for getting around to reading the blogs I’ve neglected. Especially yours, it always makes me smile :)
sounds like a fun trip! :)
It was.. and now I’m feeling super lazy!!
That iced cream looks delicious. Yay for getting your blog posts scheduled – I really need to work on that!
:) It’s so hard to stay ahead! I worked so hard to get ahead during the trip..and now that I’m back.. I’m having to write for the very next day again!
Coming home from a trip is always the best feeling. I am always ready to be home in my bed after a few days away.
Doesn’t even matter how nice a hotel is, nothing beats sleeping in your own bed!! :)
woo hoo! sound liked an awesome trip!
It was fun, but too bad we didn’t stop in SF on the way back down!
ice Cream yay!
I need to do a post like this soon! Sometimes I forget to be thankful for the small things
You totally should! I think writing down gratitude lists lifts my mood. I’m the same way and I forget unless I give myself homework.
Wow. that ice cream. Not helpful when I’m on a diet, LOL! The waterfall looks beautiful!
Katie <3
Oops!! Sorry! :) Some days we did replace meals with ice cream. Probably unhealthy too.. :P
Haha Brilliant. If you can’t replace some meals with ice cream and yumminess, then can you really say you’ve lived?! ;) <3
I am grateful for our clean house! My hubby and I worked on it this evening and it is helping my anxiety so much.
It seems like you had such an awesome trip. I’m so happy you did!!
Having a clean house is such a great feeling! It’s such a shame that even if we clean our place it’s always spiraling back to chaos. haha
Can’t wait to see your pics from your Vancouver trip, I received my July letters so excited too
Oooh I wanna see what you got! :)
I hope to see Vancouver again! Looks like a amazing Trip!
Thank you! When was the last time you went?
very beautiful post esther! i love that waterfall, and #7 is my next goal! =)
Thank you Ananda! :) It’s definitely a tough one to stay on top of!! I am behind again!
so glad to see post about what people are thankful for!
:) So glad that you stopped by Crystal!
I am such a huge fan of grateful lists – love this!
me too! I am so glad so many bloggers are doing this. :)
13 DAY road trip! Get it girl! :) You guys are always on the move!!!
haha I know!! I can barely keep up with blogging!
Mmm I’m definitely going to need some ice cream now!
Get some!!! :) What’s your fave ice cream store or store bought ice cream? :)
And I am grateful for your beautiful photos and the chance to read about your adventures!
I’m always grateful to have you read them! <3