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How Park ‘N Fly Makes Travel Easier

This is a sponsored post in partnership with Park ‘N Fly Airport Parking. All opinions are 100% our own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Local Adventurer possible.

There is a lot to coordinate when traveling. You have to pack all your essentials, book flights, find the right hotel, figure out what you want to do at your destination, and more. When you’re ready to go, the last thing you want to think about where you’re going to leave your car while you’re gone. Since we have a new home city every year, we’re always scrambling to find a new solution.

One thing I miss about living in Atlanta is the Park ’N Fly Airport Parking. I used to use it all the time when I traveled so that I could easily drop my car off and pick it up. This year, they are celebrating they’re 50th anniversary, and they’ve been stepping up their game.

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You Can Reserve Your Parking Online

We get to pick our plane seat, why not our parking spot? You don’t have to waste time driving up and down rows looking for a spot or fight someone for the better spot. You can select your parking spot online beforehand so you know exactly which spot you get. That’s some easy airport parking.

Get Picked Up at Your Car

Once you’re at your parking spot, wait to get picked up. You don’t have to drag your bags to the shuttle, walk a long distance, or wait around for a bus. They pick you up and take you right to the terminal.

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Don’t Worry About Remembering Where You Parked

Maybe my memory has been getting worse, but I feel like I’ve forgotten where I parked more often. Have you walked through a parking garage clicking on the unlock button, listening for the faint and familiar beep of your car? That’s me a lot lately. With Park ’N Fly, they’ll take you right to your car so you don’t even have to think about it.

Get Safe To Your Car

If you’re a solo traveler, you’ll have the peace of mind since they get you safely to your car.

Get Help With Your Bags

If you’re traveling with a large group or family, you probably have a lot of bags to deal with. Park ’N Fly will help you with your luggage once you park your car.

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Earn Free Parking Days

If you join their Frequent Parker Loyalty Program, you get 1 Free Day of Parking Every 7 Paid Days. This is one of the best programs out there. It’s easy to redeem online or you can print it out to redeem it in person.

Go Paperless

We’re all about traveling light and reducing waste. When we fly, we like to download the apps and use electronic boarding passes and keep our itineraries on our phone. Park ’N Fly just launched a brand new app and website that will let you do everything from your phone.

Options in 31 States

Park ‘N Fly has locations in 31 states. I didn’t realize this until writing this post, but some of them are affiliate locations like the one in Portland. Check out all their locations here.

Go with a trusted brand

As I mentioned earlier, They are celebrating 50 years of service in 2017. They’ve been serving travelers for a long time and have refined their services to what they are now. Know who you’re leaving your car with and trust a brand that people have been using for 50 years.

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Check out this video that shows you how it works.

Next time you’re traveling, we hope you make it easier for yourself and try them out. Happy traveling!

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Have you tried Park ‘N Fly? How do you typically get to and from the airport?



Esther and Jacob are the founders of Local Adventurer, which is one of the top 50 travel blogs in the world. They believe that adventure can be found both near and far and hope to inspire others to explore locally. They move to a new city every year and currently live in Portland, Oregon.

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