Welcome to Our New Home – Our Airstream Tour

We’re finally settled into our Airstream, and we cleaned up the place enough to give you a proper tour! Now that we’ve downsized to a 23 foot home, we had to sell off or donate most of our stuff. We love purging every year when we move, but this was the ultimate purge.

Talking about how buying experiences is worthwhile over things is one thing, but this tested whether we really believed it. I have to admit that it wasn’t as easy to walk that walk when you’re faced with the decision to donate your library of books or that t-shirt in the back of your closet that you kept around for sentimental reasons. But after all the tough little decisions, it was incredibly freeing. We’re happy to say that everything you see here serves some sort of purpose whether it’s utility or something that just makes us happy.

Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB - Here's our RV Review // localadventurer.comPinWhat it's Like Living in An Airstream - Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB // localadventurer.comPin

Remember these baskets that came with Globe In? We’ve velcroed them down and use them to store everything.

What it's Like Living in An Airstream - Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB // localadventurer.comPinWhat it's Like Living in An Airstream - Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB // localadventurer.comPinWhat it's Like Living in An Airstream - Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB // localadventurer.comPinWhat it's Like Living in An Airstream - Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB // localadventurer.comPinWhat it's Like Living in An Airstream - Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB // localadventurer.comPin
What it's Like Living in An Airstream - Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB // localadventurer.comPin
What it's Like Living in An Airstream - Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB // localadventurer.comPinWhat it's Like Living in An Airstream - Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB // localadventurer.comPinWhat it's Like Living in An Airstream - Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB // localadventurer.comPinWhat it's Like Living in An Airstream // localadventurer.comPin
What it's Like Living in An Airstream - Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB // localadventurer.comPinWhat it's Like Living in An Airstream - Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB // localadventurer.comPinWhat it's Like Living in An Airstream - Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB // localadventurer.comPinLiving on the Road in an Airstream - Our Airstream Tour // localadventurer.comPinAirstream RV Living Blog // localadventurer.comPin

Do you guys remember watching MTV cribs? :P

If we were to do this all over again, I think we’d trade in our stuff for more adventures. :)

We still want to personalize our space with photos and trip mementos. Any ideas? Have you read the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo? What did you think?

xoxo estherJacob

A huge thank you to Airstream for powering our grand adventure and making this dream of ours a reality.
See more info about our specific Airstream here. As always, all opinions, text, and images are our own.
If you’re an Airstreamer / on the road, don’t forget to share your photos and tag #endlesscaravan. Let’s go!

What it's Like Living in An Airstream - Tour of our Airstream International Signature 23FB // localadventurer.comPin