We’re excited to join bloggers worldwide in the Show Me Your Neighborhood series hosted by Piri Piri Lexicon. In this fun series, each blogger gives a virtual tour of their neighborhood to see how different or similar it may be to live in Berlin, Tokyo, New York, or many other cities.
We move to a new city every year, and we’ve been living in Las Vegas, Nevada, for the past year. It’s an exciting city to live in because everyone has a picture in their mind of what Las Vegas is, and for the most part, they picture us…
Hanging out here
Shopping here
or here
And perhaps driving this
We get the same questions whenever we tell people we live in Vegas. Do you gamble all the time? Do you party all the time? What’s it like living in Las Vegas? Which hotel do you live in? Okay, maybe not the last one, but it’s not much of a stretch.
In actuality, we live about 10-15 minutes away from the strip, and though our address says Las Vegas, we like to say we live in the suburb of Henderson. We only make it to the strip on a Local Adventure or when friends are in town.
Here’s a peek into what our neighborhood looks like:
1. A Playground / Play Area
Since we don’t have kids, we don’t have a reason to seek out playgrounds, but many are in the area. Jacob goes to the local parks to play basketball and walks by the playground often.
2. A Local Mode of Transport
Most people drive their cars around town. There is a bus system, but we’ve never taken it, and if you’re on the strip, there’s a good chance you’ve taken a cab or uber. Other than that, we have an average range of cars driving around where we live.
3. A Typical House/Building
We live in an apartment since we’re only here for the year, but most houses in our area are earth-toned like this one. Many newer homes are on a smaller plot of land and relatively close together.
4. A Street Nearby
Here’s a typical street close to us (minus the clouds because there are no clouds in the sky 300 days out of the year). Pretty typical suburbia with a bunch of chain restaurants and big box stores. Nothing like the strip, right?
5. A School, Nursery, or Other Education Facility
Again, since we don’t have kids, we’re also unfamiliar with the school system. The church used to attend had Sunday service in the local high school’s auditorium, though.
6. A Market, Supermarket, or Other Shopping Outlet
Every place we’ve lived was close to a Target, and we frequent it often. This is the closest we’ve lived to one where we could walk to it!
So there you have it – the burbs of Las Vegas. See the other neighborhoods here.
How is this similar/different to your neighborhood?
What’s one thing you love about where you live?