Thank you, Blundstone and Zappos, for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions are our own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Local Adventurer possible.
Having spent the last year in Portland, our wardrobe has become 99% outdoor gear. We like to keep a minimalist wardrobe since we travel and move around so much, and we don’t believe in keeping things in storage. Our current wardrobe is perfect for the PNW, but we might get a few strange looks when we’re walking around in NYC with our ski gear this winter. What do you think? :D
We’ve already been thinking about getting a few pieces of city-friendly clothes, and when Blundstone reached out to us, we were excited to have Blunnies as an addition to our wardrobe!
I’ll be the first to admit that we’re not the most fashionable couple. We’re always looking for clothes that look good, but more importantly, function well and are comfortable. Esther calls our style “comfy chic”. When Blundstone reached out to us, I had never heard of them, so naturally, I went to do some research.
Blundstone has been making boots since the 1870s. Based in Tasmania, “Blunnies” are created to keep you safe and comfortable through the tough conditions in Australia (think heat, mud, rivers, and all those poisonous creatures). These boots are created like a tough work boot, but also have the versatility for the city. They are a staple in Australia, and an even crazier stat is that 1 in 4 people own a pair in Israel.
Lately, they’ve become popular amongst film stars, directors, and other fashion icons, which just proves how unfashionable I am, but I was excited to put them to the test.
Since we’ll be in NYC starting mid-November, I went with the Blundstone Dress Boots. They have a square toe and leaner look. I can dress them up for a night out on the town, or have them on when I’m exploring the woods.
Esther got a pair of the classic Blunnies in brown and black. The adult sizes were too big so she got the kids size since they fit her better. She can be pretty lazy about shoes too and even if she gets different types of shoes, she only ends up wearing the ones that are easy to slip on and off. Luckily, these boots are slip on with stretchy sides and tabs on the front and the back to help you pull them on.
We can’t wait to explore NYC and the rest of the NorthEast while putting these boots to the test! We’re already working on our list of things to see in the city, and waterfalls to chase in the wild. Do you have any suggestions of what we need to see, do, and eat?
Jacob’s: BL1306
Esther’s: BL531 and BL565 (she got a kids size because they fit her better):
It’s been a while since we ordered anything from Zappos and I forgot how easy they make it and how great their customer service is. The online shopping experience is like any other, but that’s where the similarities end.
1. The shoes were shipped FAST & FREE
After ordering in the late afternoon, we had them on our feet by the next evening. Not all shoes ship at that speed, but they have a free rewards program that can earn you free expedited shipping. Regardless, they have free shipping for all their shoes.
2. Returning and Exchanging is Easy.
When the shoes arrived, they didn’t fit the way we expected. This is usually the reason we don’t order clothes or shoes online unless it’s a brand we already own a ton from. When we order something new online, we usually go to a store to try them on first but it’s always a hassle.
When ordering with Zappos, this isn’t an issue at all. I called in and was able to chat with someone in minutes. After telling them that our shoes didn’t fit, they immediately put an order in for the new sizes (which would arrive the next day). Then they emailed me a prepaid return label to send back the wrong sizes. Shipping is free both ways!
3. 365 Day Return Policy
If you’re like us, we’re sometimes traveling or just too busy to get around to exchanging or returning shoes right away. Zappos has a 365-day return policy on any unworn shoes.
4. Their Customer Service is Ace
You always hear about companies who prioritize their customer, but the experience never matches up with what they say. Zappos, on the other hand, really shows it. When we lived in Vegas, we did a behind-the-scenes tour of the Zappos office. It was impressive to hear that every employee at the office has to go through customer service training. On top of that, during the busy season, everyone has to take a shift on the phones.
Esther and Jacob are the founders of Local Adventurer, which is one of the top 50 travel blogs in the world. They believe that adventure can be found both near and far and hope to inspire others to explore locally. They move to a new city every year and currently live in Portland, Oregon.