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Less is More | 100 Days of Less Challenge Week 3

I’m tired, ya’ll. Can’t believe I went from doing two travel blogs a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays to almost 5 posts a week! Mondays, I started this 100 days of less challenge. I’m practicing gratitude every Wednesday, which I hope will be ongoing since it forces me to take the time to reflect. Recipe posts and my LA eats take up two Fridays out of the month. And I started filling in the other Fridays with food I wanted to highlight. Craziness. Pure craziness.

I’m really feeling this statement right now: less is more.

Unlike most of the good, consistent bloggers, I don’t have a few month’s supply of posts scheduled ahead of time.. I’m pretty much culling, editing photos, and writing the day before for the most part. Right now it’s Sunday at 8:47PM, and I’m kicking myself because I forgot to take a photo for this post while there was still day light. This will have to suffice. Thank you instagram and Confucius for your wisdom!

life is simple. a confucius quote. Live with less because less is more. 100 days of less challenge. less is more.less is more. 100 days of less stuff. 100 days of less things. less is more blog. less is more. living with less stuff and decluttering your life.Pin

I used to wonder how people could blog every single day… like wow.. those people were really disciplined. Now, I have a small glimpse at how they do it. When you have a blog series, it can seriously take up space on the blog every day… for the rest of your life…

Now, the 100 days of less challenge has been about spending less on stuff and decluttering our home. I haven’t bought anything, and we didn’t even eat out all week! The closet operation has been a slow and steady process. I think you need to give it a full year to go through all the seasons, but since we’re in California, I’ll give myself until February when our lease is up. It’ll make our move easier anyways. And speaking of decluttering, I think I need to declutter more than just my physical living space. I need to declutter this blog space, too.

I don’t want to blog purely out of obligation. I get that there’s a certain discipline to it, but I don’t want to create these rules for myself that take all the freedom away. Does that make sense? So from here on out, I’ll still do my travel posts, because it should probably take precedence on a travel blog. I’ll still do my monthly recipes and monthly updates on LA eats. Don’t get me wrong. I still enjoy blogging. I just want to take the pressure off posting updates every Monday through Friday.

Who knows.. maybe I’ll figure out a way to schedule some posts ahead of time and make it all work out! Right now, I just want more open spaces. Freedom to choose. Freedom to write. Or to not write.

Have you ever felt like this? Have you ever made rules for yourself that ended up being more harmful than helpful? How do you decide when to push forward because you need to learn discipline or to let go because it’s not necessary anymore?

100 Days of Less Challenge Homework:

  1. In between goals is a thing called life that has to be lived and enjoyed” – Sid Caesar. Just BE and enjoy life!
  2. Keep my desk clean for an entire week.
  3. Post a blog at the end of the week only if I slip up and buy something.